Saturday, January 22, 2011

Looking forward

I always find myself content with  the current. Never looking forward. I have no problem looking backwards, so why can't I look forward. My husband always looks forward. He says "Just because I think we have something we don't." Meaning just because I see we got a few bucks in the bank, doesn't mean I need to spend it. We need to keep a saftey net.

I am the complete opposite. I feel like we need to worry about now and not later. I have learned these past couple of years that his statement is oh so true.

Had I let him create that nest egg, a lot of the things I went thru would have never happened. I really miss my house. I am not used to living in cramped quarters and it pains me that I can't afford to move us back into what we are used to.

I know that eventually, change will come and we will get our life back to how it was. I just have to learn that looking forward is whats best. I am trying. Its a task but I will make it happen.

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